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The Chainsman Institute - The Chainsman Institute is dedicated to seeing that all the psychologically damaged heroines of comics, anime and videogames get the therapy we all know they need. Originally my collaborative effort with the very talented ARNie! (check out Milk 18, 20, 22, 23 & 34 published by Radiocomix to see more of his Houdini-chan Brande) the roster subsequently expanded to include the artistic talents of Suichi, Sebastian, Polecat, Vega, Ishy & Ann O'Nymous.
Monsieur Paul's Page - The superheroine art of Monsieur Paul. More orientated to Knock Out and Chloroform Scenes than traditional Damsels in Distress peril but there's a lot of good material to check out. However be warned that if use the "Back to the Main Page" option on this site you'll find yourself on Mr. X's site. While Mr. X's site is an excellent heroine bondage page it is primarily adults only material.
DiDs by Filou - A unique collection of scenes from European comics. Available in both English and French. Refreshingly different and plenty of material that's unavailable elsewhere. Originally a freesite but abductor.com's converted to Paysite only. However Filou has started a free mirror site "Au malheur des dames".
Doppleganger's Dungeon of Distressed Damsels - Stories and art of original heroines in distress. Well worth a look if you haven't seen it before but it hasn't been updated in over two years.
Damsels in Distress - Superheroines, snakes and quicksand. A unique compilation of original art. Probably no longer updated
Cartoon Heroines in Peril - My site for video captures from my collection of cartoon and anime heroines in perilious situations. My least wordy site, plenty of heroines and minimal text. Converted to a monthly rotating archive due to bandwidth concerns.
Saturday Morning Bondage: A tribute to tied up girls in Cartoons - Three guesses what it's about. Check it out!
XO's DID - Cartoons and anime plus some manga and comics scenes. A triple threat. Updates vary between monthly and every few months.
The Case Files Of Biff Barksdale, Boy Detective - While primarily a vidcap site for live and cartoon heroine scenes Biff also has a gallery of original peril art featuring cartoon and comics heroines. The Case Files are frequently updated and have an excellent selection so check them out, you won't regret it.General Superheroine
El Frenetico & Go Girl homepage Shot with no budget it's still a great series and I'm a Go Girl fan. As you can see from the picture above Go Girl does get herself into a bind occasionally, this time with Shade her rival, enemy and one-time friend.
Liberty the American Girl - An online Poser comic featuring the digital adventures of Liberty, a well meaning college student turned novice superheroine doing her best to cope with her new lifestyle. Currently involved in an officially sanctioned storyline featuring AC Comics Ms. Victory.Webrings
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